Friday, April 16, 2010

Letter #3

Dear Loreli,
Love is a wonderful feeling. There are many types of love such as the love for your parents, the love for a child, the love of a sibling or relative or the love of a friend. The most important love in life is the love of a partner. To find someone to share your life with through thick, thin, ups and downs is a magical experience. The love and support of a soul mate can get you through anything life decides to bring your way.

The subject of love is one I'm sure I will spend years and years teaching you about. I think the most important aspect of our lives for Daddy and I to show you is that we love each other deeply and our relationship is based on passion and understanding. Daddy and I do not always agree and we do not always want the same things but because we have a strong love we are able to compromise for each other.

Daddy and I both kissed some frogs along the path to finding each other, as I'm sure as you grow you will do the same. I want you to know that especially when you are young it is okay to care for someone but you do not have to give yourself entirely to them emotionally and physically. Each relationship you have will be a stepping stone of learning what you want and how to care for another person, until you find the right person to spend your life with.

When you find that perfect person my lovebug, you will know it. The first time your Daddy kissed me and held me close to him I knew in my heart that I never wanted him to let go. For quite some time I felt that your Daddy was too good for me and I did not deserve such a wonderful man. Then I realized that fate brought us together and there would be no one better able to handle or understand me. Fate brought me the perfect husband who also happens to be the perfect father.

My heart is bubbling with love every time I look at you or your father. My biggest wish for your future is that you one day feel the same love. I believe that we are put on this Earth to love because without it life is meaningless. Once you find this most precious gift, the world will begin to make sense.

Use your father and I as an example my lovebug. Know that we will always be there with an open mind, open ears and open hearts. You will break hearts and yours will in turn get broken as well. When you find the one you will share your life with make sure you have not given so much of yourself away to others and you can whole heartedly give everything to that one special person.

Loving you forever,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Letter #2

Dear Loreli,
Just a week ago we began to give you cereal with your formula. The first time that I gave you the cereal was also your first time using a spoon and you didn't like either one. You cried and screamed and spit everything that went in right on out. It was a hilarious looking mess. I had no idea what I was doing or if I was feeding you correctly.

Since then I have given you the cereal once a day and as the days have progressed you have begun to master eating the cereal with a spoon. Two days ago you actually started waiting for the spoon to come to your mouth then opening wide and swallowing what was put in. I was so incredibly proud of you.

It's moments like these that I as a mother learn that no matter how much you don't like something I must insist on it and just keep trying. It wasn't easy to sit there shoving organic whole grain rice cereal into your mouth as you had tears rolling down your face and you screamed in confusion. My maternal instincts were to both coddle you and just give you a bottle or to refuse you the bottle and insist you eat with the spoon. I had to go with the instinct that I knew was best for you and it paid off in the end.

The reason I am telling you about this event my lovebug is because it is a great example of not giving up on what you know is the right thing to do. As your mother I wish for you to have an always happy and always easy life but unfortunately that is not the way of the world. There have been many instances in my life in which I was caught off guard and shocked by how difficult the world and adulthood can be.

For as long as we are around, Daddy and I will be here for you to help guide you but we will not always be able to fix everything for you. Even though as I write this you are my tiny little peanut, I know that as you read this you are a grown, strong and confident young woman. I know that you have the strength in you to succeed at whatever you set out to do with your life.

Many people will give you different opinions on your life choices. Some people will be happy while others may get angry or upset. Some people will support you and others will attempt to make you fail. My job is to make sure you know how to seek out the positive and can handle the negative with grace. Whether you set out to be a famous singer or athlete or you get into an office job and stay in the country, I will always support you and be there for you. As long as you are happy and satisfied with your choices I will be happy for you and proud of you.

When you run into the bumps in life which we all must face I will do my best to guide you. Know that failure is not an option and strive for the best possible outcome at all times. If you go into all situations with that mindset then everything will work out how it is supposed to and you will be stronger in the end.

Loving you forever,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Letter #1

April 13th, 2010
Dear Loreli,
On May 11th, 2009 I took a pregnancy test that came up positive. I was nervous and excited and had absolutely no clue what to expect. When I told your father about the test he was just as in shock and over joyed as I was. The next nine months were full of heightened emotions. As we prepared for your arrival everything became "baby this," "baby that" and "when the baby is here."

I started filling out your baby book and writing about how Daddy and I met and fell in love. In the back of the book is a place where the parents can write a letter to their child. I always told myself, "I'll write it tomorrow." Every time I looked at that page I would think of you being 18 years old graduating high school and reading what I wrote to you. No matter how I thought it out in my head, no words of wisdom or love seemed right. I had no idea what type of mother I would be to you. I had no idea what my life would be like with a baby.

Labor was one of the most shocking experiences of my life so far. I had no idea whether or not I was having contractions and as the pain became worse and you came closer to greeting the world, a strength I never knew I had washed over me. Some women have an automatic maternal instinct and feel motherly while pregnant. For me giving birth to you was the beginning of viewing myself as a mother.

When Daddy and I brought you home we were completely exhausted. Everything about caring for you and loving you was brand new. Our first few weeks were full of visitors and tons of help. We were so busy that whenever I would remember that I still needed to write you a letter in your baby book, I was too tired to move.

As of today you are 15 weeks and 1 day, or just over three months old. A lot has happened in such a short time my lovebug. I am now getting to know the type of mother I am and want to be. There are so many times that things happen or things are said and I think to myself all of the lessons that I want to teach you. I talk to you now and I tell you these things but your response is usually an "ahhhooo" or just putting your fist in your mouth and smiling. This is why I have started this blog of letters to you my little one.

Now by the time you are a grown woman, who knows if there will still be blogs and internet pages or what type of resource will be used. I will print each letter and keep it safe for you. When you reach the appropriate age they will be yours to keep.

As time goes on and you grow I promise I will continue to write letters to you. If for whatever reason something should ever happen to me and I cannot be with you, use these letters to keep me close.

Loving you forever,