Friday, September 21, 2012

Letter # 10

Dear Loreli, O my sweet big girl, I cannot believe how fast time has gone by!! In a little over three months you will be THREE YEARS OLD! No matter how big you get, you will ALWAYS be my sweet little Button. I have to admit I have a hard time watching you get bigger, but I am so incredibly proud of you and everything you accomplish. You have become such a vibrant, fun and loving little girl. Everyone who comes into contact with you just raves about how well behaved and wonderful you are. You adjusted to being a big sister like a pro. There have been rare instances of jealousy and it's only lately that you sometimes have a hard time sharing with your sister, but this is mainly at home. At daycare all we hear about is how you share and take care of Evalyn. You also love to help with your cousins when they are around. Even though you are the oldest of the Ryan clan and there continues to be more babies born, you know exactly how to keep the spotlight with your charm. Your favorite people are Papa, Aunt Pam and Uncle Dan. You and your Papa have a very special bond that I don't think anyone else will ever be able to touch. Right now you are very lucky to be able to spend time with them each week, which is special because as we are adding a third baby to our own family you are still able to get one on one time. Every day something new comes out of your mouth that either amazes me that you even understand certain concepts or has me laughing hysterically. You are an entertainer for sure with such a big heart. I could not be more proud of you and I know that when your second baby sister Charlotte arrives, you will be there to help me take care of her just as you have with Evalyn. I continue to look forward to watching you grow and having you teach me about the world all over again. Loving you forever, Mommy