Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letter #7

June 29th, 2010
Dear Loreli,
Yesterday you turned six months old. I cannot believe how fast time is going by. It seems like minutes ago you were this tiny little being who was so fragile. Now you are quite the chunker and very active! Just as you are learning more and becoming aware of the world around you, we found out that you are going to be a big sister!
We were shocked to find out that so quickly after you being born we will be adding another to our family. We were planning on adding on to the family closer to when you will be turning two, but this is what life has given us. My first thoughts upon finding this out were that you haven’t had enough time to be the baby, that you are not ready to be the big sister. Now that I have had some time to adjust to this discovery, I know it is a wonderful blessing.
You are going to be a big sister. You are going to have a friend for life, someone who will always be by your side. It is scary to think of having two babies about fourteen months apart, but this will allow you two to go through everything in life together.
The most important thing for you to know my little Button is that we love you with all of our hearts. Adding on to our family only creates more love and we will never love you any less.
Loving you forever,

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Letter #6

Dear Loreli,
Today you spent most of the day with Grandpa Ryan while I worked on some house projects here at home. By the time I woke up, Daddy had already taken you to Grandma and Grandpa's house, so I didn't get to see you until everyone came over for dinner. Call me obsessive but this was such a long time for me to be without you my Lovebug! The last hour away from you was spent by the window waiting for Grandpa's truck to pull into the driveway. Kissing your chubby cheeks was the best feeling in the world!

Being away from you and spending a little time with just Daddy gave us some time to reflect and think. You are right on the verge of crawling, sitting up and talking. Daddy made a bet today that you will probably do all three at the same time! Thinking about you doing all of these things just floors me. I can't believe that you are almost six months old. A year ago you were just a tiny little peanut in my tummy and I was a naive mommy to be who had no idea what the future would hold. Two years ago Daddy and I were just falling in love. Three years ago I was a completely different person trying to find who I was meant to be in this world.

Not every letter to you is going to have a lesson. In this letter, I just want you to know how much you are loved. You are my whole world. Being your mommy makes me want to be the best person I possibly can for you. I want to do everything in life as great as I can because I know that you will only learn by example.

You have changed the lives of everyone around you just by being in this world. I hope you never lose that affect Lovebug.
Loving you forever,