Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Letter #9 Happy 1st Birthday

Dear Loreli,
It was one year ago today that you came into the world and changed my life forever. You are officially one year old. In the last year you have changed the lives of so many people. Daddy and I continue to be amazed and so incredibly proud of you every single day.
Last year when you were rolling around in my tummy, I was incredibly anxious to meet you. Going through labor was a life changing experience. The first moment you looked into my eyes changed me completely. Words cannot describe the love and utter happiness I have felt having you in my life.
Before you were born I was unsure of my path in life and what I truly wanted. When Daddy and I fell in love I knew I had found my life partner. When you came into the world I then had a purpose.
Every day of your first year has taught us something new. You have pushed our boundaries and shown the true meaning of patience. The biggest lesson of becoming a mommy has been to be selfless. Every want and need of yours always comes first.
Watching you grow over your first year has been amazing. Already I can see your strength and that you don't give up on what you want. You have already shown a love of music and that dancing is something you are a natural at.
I have always been a planner, someone who is prepared for anything and a stickler on punctuality. You have shown me that no matter how much I organize, something will always be forgotten. There is always a possibility of being late and no matter how much I plan, I cannot ever predict the outcome.
I think Daddy and I have put more emphasis and excitement into exposing you to the world than you have had the ability to actually understand. We both very much look forward to every new discovery you make and joy that you feel.
Every single moment with you is a blessing. In the morning you are so cuddly, you and I sit in the recliner and rock back and forth while we snuggle under a blanket. I always ask you how your dreams were and you always reply with you baby babble. When we cuddle I love to stare at every part of you. You are so innocent and untouched by the reality of the world. I am utterly amazed every day by your beauty and existence.
You are no longer my little baby, you are now becoming a toddler... a little person. Very soon you will be a big sister. I hope that as time progresses you and your little sister can learn from one another and be lifelong companions. The biggest lesson I have learned in the last few years is that you will always have family. Your sister will always be part of you.
As your life continues and you grow faster than I am ready for, always know that I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best part of me and my life. I wish for you happiness, serenity and success in whatever form you can find them. There is not a moment of my life that I will not be living for you and loving you with all of my heart and soul.

Happy 1st Birthday Button

Loving you forever,

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